Anticipation Mounts for Obama's Appearance on 'The View'

The undocumented President Obama, our celebrity-in-chief, is making a historic appearance on The View later this morning.  It will be the first time in history that a current president graces the slob Joy Behar and the other ladies that host The View.  Obama has been criticized for his decision to again act like he's campaigning, especially as the country's unemployment rate hovers near 10% and as he continues to vacation and suck at golf.  But he's Chairman Obama, so he gets to do whatever he wants.  What are the possible topics that the group will discuss, you ask?  Let's take a look.

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New Evidence Proves Rachel Maddow is a Woman

In what's now being described as "shocking" and "incredible," new evidence released late last week finally reveals the true sexual identity of the liberal MSNBC television gabber Rachel Maddow.  The self-proclaimed intellectual and first openly gay host, Maddow sports a very manly haircut and boyish looks on her pathetically-rated show.  But for the conservative conspiracy theorists of the world, last week's photos of Maddow from high school finally prove she is, in fact, a woman.

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Bush Wipes Haitian Sweat on Clinton's Shirt

Former President George W. Bush gives the current Vice Idiot Joe Biden a run for his money when it comes to comedy.  Bush has always been known for making gaffes or just making up words, but it didn't help that the liberal media painted him as an idiot - he didn't get away with anything.  Former Presidents Bush and Clinton have been promoting their Haiti aid fundraiser to support the devastated country after the recent earthquake, in which the two just visited the country and left a wonderful impression.

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