Romney Goes Big in Final Debate; Hits on Obama's Apology Tour

If there's one takeaway from last night's foreign policy debate it's that President Barack Hussein Obama is an angry community organizer.  Forget the content for a moment and focus on Obama's dead glares at his opponent: he was livid, arguably because he had to explain his failures when he believes a second term should be handed to him.  Mitt Romney showed up with substance and went big, showing America that there is a clear choice for a leader in this election.

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Obama's Taxpayer Funded Green Energy Failures

The term crony capitalism gets tossed around quite a bit, but it's reached a new level in the Obama administration. The phony $787 billion stimulus bill? Less than 6% went to building roads and bridges, while the rest went to pay back his labor union thug supporters and to ridiculous government programs that didn't help the economy. But the real cronyism was with his green energy initiatives, originally under guidance of Communist and 9/11 truther Van Jones. Obama put a huge responsibility on his White House to pick winners and losers – and mostly all were losers.

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Obamacare Creates the First $1 Trillion Agency

Obamacare has nothing to do with health care reform - the devil is in the details.  Its intention is to control the individual and drastically expand government.  Looking back at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to its inception in 1965, all federal outlays cost $118.23 billion.  In September 2012, CMS outlays alone hit $1.05 trillion, easily exceeding any other government agency.  When looking at the numbers, a scary picture is painted about the fiscal future of America with Obamacare: it gets destroyed.

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