Obamacare Navigators Causing Concern

54 million of our taxpayer dollars are being spent hiring Obamacare navigators.  After 20 hours of online training and no financial ties to insurance companies, the Obama regime has found another way to payback its liberal cronies.  The well-respected field of community organizing is being targeted to become Obamacare navigators, as well as union organizers.  Basically, these navigators are bottom feeders tasked with Obamacare propaganda.  With access to extremely private data, Americans need to be concerned.

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Obamacare Out-of-Pocket Caps Delayed Until 2015

When a key architect of Obamacare says the law is a "train wreck", that should have rang alarm bells for everyone.  If that wasn't enough, key aspects of Obamacare continue to get delayed (for political purposes): the employer mandate and eligibility requirements for insurance subsidies are two of them.  Keep in mind that the government set their own deadlines, and still misses them.  As the implementation of Obamacare continues to be complete chaos, the Obama regime just delayed the out-of-pocket caps paid by participants until 2015.

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Obamacare Now Exempts Congress, Staffers But Subsidies Remain

The thing about liberalism is that liberals never want to participate in the environment they dictate everyone else live in.  As you see with Obamacare, Congress demanded that every American participate in the "fundamental transformation" of the health care system, while they worked overtime to get an exemption from the law.  And that's what's happened a few weeks back: Congress and their staff is getting about your past, while holding onto their federal subsidies.

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