Obamacare Increasing ER Visits in Kentucky

When Obamacare was rammed into law, supporters said one of the benefits would be reduced visits to emergency rooms because more people would have access to primary physicians.  The only problem is that there is a shortage of doctors, so adding 10-30 million to the health care system was only going to cause more congestion.  As one doctor put it, people were given an ATM card in a town with no ATM's.  In Kentucky, ER visits are on the rise, opposite of what was expected.

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Obamacare Navigator Loses Private Patient Information in Connecticut

Normally, losing a backpack can be a frustrating situation, unless you're a community organizing Obamacare navigator.  In Connecticut, a navigator lost their backpack, which contained personal and private information of some 400 individuals - we're talking the most intimate details of a person's life.  Obamacare navigators are intended to help people navigate the extremely convoluted and confusing law, and are typically community organizers or from labor unions.  And they have access to this very private data.

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Employers Get Hammered with Latest Obamacare Change

Nothing about Obamacare is friendly to businesses.  And the Obama regime continues to make illegal changes to the law as they see fit, imforming the public after the fact.  A recent change in Obamacare, made quietly before the long Memorial Day weekend, hits employers extra hard.  They can no longer send employees to federal or state health care exchanges, which gave them a way of offsetting some of the massive costs of Obamacare.  Translation: forget new hires or salary raises for millions of small businesses.

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