Obamacare Projected Premium Increases State by State

President Obama and Democrats rammed Obamacare into law without any regard to the impact it would have on the American people.  The sole purpose was to give the government control of the health care system, thus gaining control over the most intimate details of an individual's life.  The propaganda spewed during the push for Obamacare revealed that Democrats will do anything to steal our liberty.  Of the many lies, it was said that Obamacare would significantly reduce health insurance premiums.  That couldn't be farther from the truth.

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White House Admits Obamacare Implementation Will Be "Messy"

Obamacare is supposed to save America from certain doom, while "fundamentally transforming" the country, or so we were promised.  It was all of those people with pre-existing conditions, which only amounted to 0.2% of the country, and the uninsured Americans, most of which chose to forgo health insurance.  Now that the law has started to be implemented, Americans and businesses are realizing what a monstrosity it is, leaving the White House to admit that implementation will be "messy."

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White House Brags That 71 Million Americans Took Freebies from Obamacare

Obamacare's three year anniversary is right around the corner and unless you're an illegal alien or one of the very few Americans that doesn't have health care insurance, you're scared shitless about how the law will impact you.  The White House is using Obamacare's anniversary to push their standard propaganda surrounding government dependence.  The message?: give Obamacare some credit because 71 million Americans have received freebies from private health care companies thanks to the law.

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