Obamacare and the Shrinking Role of Doctors

Health care for everyone is a noble cause.  The issue of getting it in a reality-based situation is nearly impossible.  Obamacare is a prime example of this, as socialized medicine has never worked anywhere throughout history.  Sure, everyone will have health care, but it comes at a cost: fewer doctors, less access to care, massive waiting lines and the government's choice to end care for individuals - we're talking about death panels.  Under Obamacare, all of this will become a reality because it's what happens when 30 million Americans are forced to buy insurance.

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Obamacare's Affordability Glitch Introduces a Nasty Side Effect

The politburo behind the crafting of Obamacare had a desired outcome for the government to control the individual.  This is apparent everywhere in Obamacare, as the law puts more people into state insurance exchanges.  Additionally, since the public option approach would have never passed Congress, Obama's team set up Obamacare so that it would be too costly for employers, forcing them to drop coverage, leaving individuals no choice but to join the government system.  And this is where the "affordability glitch" causes huge problems.

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Obamacare Doctor Shortage to Hit California

Obamacare adds millions of uninsured and illegal Americans to the health care system, putting a massive burden on the already slim number of doctors in the country.  Despite being broke, California has doubled down on liberalism and is creating a state Obamacare exchange in order to mandate that all residents have health insurance.  Since there aren't enough doctors to meet the demands of Obamacare, which will have devastating effects on the system, California lawmakers are trying to bend the rules by redefining who can provide care.

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