Obamacare Causing Blue Shield of California to Increase Premiums

Everyday there seems to be a new story about health insurance companies being forced to increase their rates because of the high costs of Obamacare.  After all, it was President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, along with the White House and every liberal front group that said Obamacare would reduce rates by forcing every American to carry health insurance or pay a fine.  Of course, rates are instead increasing so companies can pay for the costly law.  Blue Shield of California is Obamacare's latest victim seeking to raise rates 20%.

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Aetna CEO: Obamacare Will Double Some Premiums

Aetna is the country's third-largest health care provider, so they understand the market conditions and industry far better than any politician or Washington bureaucrat.  The company's CEO spoke last week to industry analysts and offered some facts outside of the complete bullshit coming out of President Obama and every liberal rat politician's mouth: some premiums are going to rise as much as 100% under Obamacare.  Americans were lied to and were told that Obamacare would reduce costs, yet that is a complete fabrication.

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Democrats Want to Delay Obamacare Medical Device Tax They Supported

On January 1, a slew of new Obamacare taxes will get implemented, costing businesses and individuals billions of dollars with jobs being lost. One such tax is from medical device makers, which is expected to rake in some $29 billion at a rate of 2.3% on a company's gross profit.  In a turn of events, 18 radical Senate Democrats are asking that the tax get delayed.  Ironically, each of the senators voted for this tax and the entire Obamacare bill, proving even more that the bill was never read, but rather a means to an end.

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