Obamacare's Required Calorie Count Poses Costly Challenge for Domino's Pizza

One of the endless juicy tidbits in Obamacare is the required calorie count that restaurants have to put on their menus.  Some restaurants, like McDonald's, have already been forced to do this, but Obamacare makes doing so a federal law.  Domino's Pizza this week has been running television advertisements for a 50% discount on online orders of pizza.  In the commercial, Domino's touts that over 25 million pizza combinations can be selected.  Obamacare requires that Domino's supply calorie information on this to consumers, a massive and costly undertaking.

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New Obamacare Fee to Pay for Pre-Existing Conditions Gets Passed Onto Workers

Pre-existing conditions in the American health care system were described as the biggest threat facing the country.  They were sold as the sole problem facing the health care system.  As we reported in October, less than 1% of Americans have enrolled in Obamacare's pre-existing condition pool, largely because only a sliver of the country is affected.  It was an emotional lie designed to get Americans feeling guilty.  Now, another new Obamacare fee will be imposed to pay for those with pre-existing conditions, all of which gets passed onto the employee.

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White House Uses Fiscal Cliff to Target Wealthy, While New Obamacare Taxes Hit Them Hard

Talks of the fiscal cliff are dominating headlines, particularly because any result will impact every American, especially the evil millionaires and billionaires, or those that earn over $200,000 per year.  What most Americans don't know, thanks to a complicit elite media and a White House that lies to the country, is that new taxes in Obamacare also single out and target the "rich."  With an agenda to take from the wealthy and redistribute to the entitlement class, producers in the country are going to foot the bill to support Obama's radical agenda.

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