Obamacare Calorie Count Mandate Raising Costs for Small Businesses

Deep inside Obamacare is text that enforces restaurant chains with over 20 locations to list their items' calorie count on menus and signs.  Sounds simple, right?  Absolutely not.  There is vague text about how the FDA enforces this and on whom.  For example, Domino's Pizza locations are owned by franchises, not the corporation.  And there are so many combinations of pizza toppings possible, it's impossible to figure out the calories for all of them. And the cost will be passed on to consumers.

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New Obamacare Delay Set to Help Democrats at Election Time

Obamacare is the gift that keeps on giving for Republicans, yet they are using it effectively.  For Democrats, it's a nightmare, but they've been catching many breaks.  To help vulnerable Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections, the White House is expected to delay another key part of Obamacare: insurers will be able to continue offering insurance plans that don't meet the law standards. It's government fiat.  Expect these games to be played all the way until 2016, conveniently.

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Illinois Obamacare Navigator Worked While Being a Convicted Terrorist

Another payback to liberal drones.  Obamacare navigators, which are primarily union thugs and community organizers, whatever the hell they are, supposedly help people sign up for the law because it's such a cluster.  One Illinois Obamacare navigator, Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, has a different pedigree, however.  Outside of being a devout anti-semite, she's a convicted terrorist.  It took some time before Illinois quietly removed her from the position.  She sounds better suited for the Obama Justice Department.

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