Obamacare Enrollment Errors Unable to be Fixed

For the people that were actually able to enroll in Obamacare, the process still wasn't seamless.  There were many errors.  Yes, errors.  However, the Obamacare computers running the monstrosity are still not equipped to fix these errors, making for consumers trying to get their correct information into the system.  This major problem is now impacting the process and complicating matters, especially with Obamacare deadlines and penalties being imposed.

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Michelle Obama Asks for Obamacare Donations

Fresh off her 24-day vacation to celebrate her 50th birthday, Michelle Obama has a request for Americans: donate $10 to help protect Obamacare.  Yes the multi-trillion dollar law that takes over the health care industry is in trouble because it's imploding; the youth aren't signing up; insurers are thinking of leaving Obamacare altogether.  Michelle Obama emailed her liberal minions the day before the State of the Union with her standard Obamacare propaganda, asking for donations.  How pathetic.

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Children Not Being Included in Family Plans Under Obamacare

One of the White House's points of pride under Obamacare is that children, who can't find a job in the Obama economy, can stay on their parents health care plan until they're 26-years old.  What they forgot is that young people are needed to subsidize Obamacare, but can't when on a family plan.  That aside, there are issues with the system when children quality for Medicaid, but their parents don't.  The result is that people who should be covered by Obamacare aren't getting covered.

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