Aetna May Abandon Obamacare Due to Low Enrollment

Nobody knows exactly how many popele have enrolled in Obamacare.  Worst yet, of those that enrolled, many switched from the private health care market to the public Obamacare exchanges because the cost for insurance was cheaper, thanks to taxpayer subsidies.  For insurance giant Aetna, they may be forced to leave Obamacare if there aren't enough enrollments to justify the massive costs.  THe problem is that the Obama regime is keeping enrollment figures largely secret because of how low they are.

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Woman Spends Six Weeks Trying to Unroll from Obamacare

The Obamacare architects live in a dystopia.  Free health care for all!  Despite this NEVER working anywhere throughout history, we were told Obamacare would just work.  From day one, people haven't been able to enroll for Obamacare because the website was built by third graders.  It's since been improved, but after millions more had been spent.  For a Missouri resident, it took six weeks of hell to unroll from Obamacare.  Now imagine what seeing a doctor will be like in this system?

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Hackers: Obamacare Website Still Has Security Issues

In the wake of Target getting hacked, exposing up to 110 million credit cards to the black market, security is still a major issue in the age of the internet.  The Obamacare website,, has had major security issues since it launched, which was known by the architects before it went live.  Months and millions of dollars later, the Obamacare website is still plagued with security issues, putting an individuals most private data at the hands of hackers.

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