Insurers Getting Wrong Data Through Obamacare Exchange

The Obama regime is not happy about the error prone Obamacare website that can barely even function.  Accepting that there are website issues, President Obama himself refused to accept accountability for the errors, instead only saying the problems would be fixed.  This is classic liberalism: throw more taxpayer dollars at a problem caused by the government and pass along accountability to someone else.  Well, the issues go deeper, as health insurers are getting the wrong data from Obamacare exchanges.

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Obamacare Enrollees: The Urban Legend

The Obama regime has been eerily silent when discussing Obamacare enrollees since its disasterous debut on October 1.  Instead, they've focused on website traffic, which is utterly meaningless.  In Florida, the Miami Herald has been on the hunt trying to locate these mysterious Obamacare exchange enrollees, leaving the newspaper left to determine they're an urban legend.  While some states have reported members being enrolled, it's important to remember the lies pushed about Obamacare, meaning any results should be examined with caution.

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Obamacare Website Crashes Hide High Cost of Plans

The process to sign up for Obamacare is nearly impossible.  The Obama regime hasn't even lied about how many individuals  have signed up – they've been completely silent.  This begs the question: were the Obamacare exchanges intentionally designed to be this bad to navigate in order to hide the true costs of the law?  Forbes believes that's the case – as does Habledash.  The insanely high premiums are far from affordable and the Obama regime wants reality to remain hidden.

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