United HealthCare Fires Thousands of Doctors Due to Obamacare

Connecticut residents will soon see a shortage in doctors thanks to changes in the health insurance system under Obamacare.  United HealthCare, one of the country's largest health insurers, has fired thousands of doctors that care for Medicare patients.  The increase in costs under Obamacare, as well as the mandated additional coverage, led to this massive layoff.  As usual, the government is trying to put blame on United HealthCare, rather than the underlying cause: Obamacare.

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Obamacare Glitches Overshadowing Massive Premium Increases

You know the Obama regime is having trouble when they don't even throw out the number of people that signed up for Obamacare.  Instead, they lied about website traffic.  Ouch.  The spinmaster's realize that reality couldn't be altered for Obamacare's rollout.  While the attention has barely focused on the abysmal health care exchanges, what's getting overlooked are the massive rate increases consumers are facing.  We're talking thousands of dollars, despite Obamacare being promised to reduce costs.

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Obamacare Mandates Congress and Staffers to Buy Gold Plans

Members of Congress and their staffers are forced to purchase Obamacare insurance.  The difference is that they get a subsidy from taxpayers to do so, which Republicans are trying to eliminate. On top of this, the Obama regime issued regulations that states not only does Obamacare insurance need to be purchased, but they have to purchase the "gold" plan.  While average Americans have choice of bronze and Silver plans, special treatment continues for lawmakers.

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