Obamacare Exchanges Have High Out of Pocket Costs

What's affordable about the Affordable Care Act?  Nothing.  After the horrendous launch of the Obamacare exchanges, Americans are finding out that the fine print matters.  While monthly costs appear to be low, the deductables are sky high, eliminating any notion that Obamacare is affordable.  And the same goes for co-payments: these are major hidden costs.  There is no black and white when it comes to Obamacare's costs and it's going to bankrupt America.

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Tennessee Men to Face Tripled Premiums Under Obamacare

The White House is on a manhunt to locate any positive news for Obamacare, but they continue to come up with nothing but lies.  The Obama regime is focused on broad propaganda they can give to the elite media, which generate false headlines.  Different figures have been claimed as to costs decreasing, with Obama stating an average family four will see premiums drop $2,500.  That's a lie.  Instead, they're taking a different course and are being specifically vague.  For Tennessee residents, the hard truth is in the fine print.

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Obamacare Increases Premiums for Men 99%, 62% for Women

The full extent of Obamacare's reach is not fully known, but what we know is that health care premiums in the individual market are going to skyrocket.  While the Obama regime and HHS are frantically lying to the American people, stating that costs are going to drop, the truth is that they can't figure out how to convince the country that Obamacare is better for them.  Since the bill was rammed into law, public support has only dropped and continues to do so.  Now, they're facing the reality of Obamacare.

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