Vote For Me Because I'm (an Affirmative Action) Latino!

The Supreme Court arguably has the most power in the United States.  And the radical, race obsessed president Obama has nominated an unqualified, arrogant Latino who, along with Obama, can't stand America.  The focus on race by this administration is disgusting is dividing this country even farther apart.

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Twittering Away....a Matter of Life or Text

When will it stop?  When will Congress finally act to protect our children?  If you buy into the thought process; that people are never responsible for their own actions, that at the least society has failed them and is responsible, and hopefully some deep-pocketed entity could be to blame then pull-up your lawsuit riddled underwear and grab your activist ankles because this ones going to make your head hurt.

The Energy Solution - the Czar of Horror?

The super cool and hip President Obama held a press conference today to discuss, you guessed, no, not Frank Stallone, but light bulbs.  Yes, light bulbs, none of which seem to be going off in the heads of anybody in this administration.  When I first heard this, I thought of the time when Obama, during his campaign, made claims that if every American filled their tires with air, we'd increase fuel economy and decrease our reliance on foreign oil.  And what a crock that was!

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