Social Demand Not Enough for Toyota to Launch Second All Electric Vehicle

One thing that the Chevy Volt has certainly done is open the eyes of executives in the automotive world.  The Volt, while a great piece of engineering and innovation, has been a complete and utter failure from a business perspective.  Taking notice of the difficulties, a top Toyota executive announced they were killing plans for a volume launch of their second all-electric car: the eQ.  Citing lack of demand financial concerns, reality has sunk in for the Japanese automaker.

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The DNC Recap: Lies, Propaganda and Big Government

Wow.  So the absolute freak show that was the Democratic National Convention (DNC) has now concluded.  It was an incest bukkake to say the least.  Not since 2008 has such a large group of anti-American degenerates filled a single location.  The themes were simple: propaganda, lies and big government.  It was as if every delegate flew in from the Soviet Union, with their contempt for America and the individual.  Tyranny is always sold as a package of freebies; as compassionate; something for the people, when in fact, it's an iron fist camouflaged as a silk glove.

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General Motors: Bad to Worse After Obama Bailout

President Obama frequently touts the success of General Motors (GM) and Chrysler, particularly how they've come roaring back to life after the government bailout.  What the elite media fails to mention is the asterisk attacked to these comments: GM is not in good shape; they were given a borderline illegal bankruptcy deal; politics are driving business decisions.  Right now, the government still owns 26% of GM and all of their accounting activities prove its a good idea to side with the government.  But GM has gone from bad to worse under Obama's bailout.

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