Liberals Use Arizona Shooting to Attack Palin, Beck, Tea Party

Yesterday was a tragedy.  There's really no other way to put it.  Congressperson Gabrielle Giffords (D - AZ) was the subject of an assassination attempt; six people were murdered, including U.S. District Judge John Roll and a 9/11 baby, nine-year old Christina Taylor Green. The assailant is 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner.  We intentionally held back reporting on the situation because there were many false facts being circulated by the media, but we also wanted to see how liberals worked to place blame on conservatives and the Tea Party.  The result has been absolutely disgusting.

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Three Press Conferences Later, Bill Clinton Proves Obama's Incompetence

Don't keep First Lady Michelle Obama waiting should be the takeaway for everyone from Friday's ad hoc press conference with former President Bill Clinton and President Obama. With his push to extend the Bush tax cuts against his own will, Obama is facing serious infighting from the Democratic party, who believe that the wealthy should be taxed at a higher rate so it can be redistributed to the less fortunate. For support, Obama called in the triangulator himself, the perverted Bill Clinton, to prove to bed-wetting liberals that the extension is the right thing for America.

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Democrat's Secret Attack on Agriculture with Food Safety Bill

The Left is notorious for their friendly-sounding nomenclature of bills.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was the phony stimulus bill; the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is Obamacare; Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is Wall Street regulation.  Each of these monstrosities have the same thing in common: they do the exact opposite as they're advertised.  And that's why S-510, the Food Safety Modernization Act needs to be stopped from turning into law.  It goes to the Senate floor for a vote the day after Thanksgiving.

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