Community Organizer in Chief Comes Out as Obama Pushes Union Stimulus

Delivering messages in Milwaukee and Cleveland this week, President Obama has started campaigning to help ailing Democrats in this fall's midterm election, although he's never actually stopped campaigning.  But did his speeches really promote a new economic plan?  Not exactly.  Instead what you witnessed was an angry black man singling out his critics while rallying an angry crowd of left-wing supporters.  It was very reminiscent of his days as a community organizer.  It wasn't presidential.  Frankly, he came off as a union leader that was leading a protest at a bank executives house - something he's not unfamiliar with.

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San Francisco Labor Unions File Lawsuit Against Proposition B

With a huge debt, San Francisco is looking for new ways to reduce their this without losing any jobs.  Proposition B is a new measure headed by Jeff Adachi to have San Francisco city workers pay more into the retirement system and to pickup more health care costs for their dependents.  Although this is completely reasonable, it has angered the labor unions, who don't want their cushy benefits packages touched.  So the now standard response by labor unions is taking place - they're using thug tactics to intimidate those in favor of Prop B and have filed a lawsuit to get it removed from this fall's ballet.

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Discovery Channel Hostage Situation Reveals Real Threat of Eco-Terrorism

Damage caused by ONE eco-terrorist group.James Lee entered the Discovery Communications headquarters today, armed with explosives and a gun.  Lee was shot and killed after authorities felt there was a prominent threat, but that's not the crux of this story.  What we saw today was one of the very few times the mainstream media was forced to run a story on environmental terrorism - something that's very common and very violent.  Most American's don't associate radical environmentalists with terrorists, but what we witnessed today with enviro-nut James Lee is just the tip of the iceberg with this movement - and it's something the liberal media has purposely chosen to ignore.

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