ACORN and the SEIU: A Love Story

One thing that's exceedingly apparent is the nuts, or acorns, don't fall far from the tree.  The left in America is very well organized, but connect the dots and most of their organizations have interesting connections with each other.  The latest example of this is the corrupt ACORN and its ally the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and how closely aligned the two organizations are.

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Idiot Journalists Need to Shut Up; Saluting is Optional

The left is now on the attack against General McChrystal saying that he's out of line and not following the chain of command.  The Commander-in-Chief thought it was more important to go on a talk show blitz in September than speak with the general about America's Afghanistan situation.  It wasn't Gen. McChrystal who leaked the 66-page memo about Afghanistan.  At least McChrystal hasn't been called a racist yet.

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Obama Couldn't Deliver a Chicago Olympics? Blame it On Bush!

Image taken from MarkLevinShow.comIf two elements are to blame for Chicago not getting the Olympic bid, it has to be that everyone is racist and it's George W. Bush's fault.  It had nothing to do with  Michelle or Barack's completely selfish and narcissistic speeches.  It had nothing to do with the Chicago political machine and the corruption that is ongoing in the city.  But it did have everything to do with the international communities deep-seeded hatred for George W. Bush.

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