The Tides Foundation: At the Heart of the Radical Left

Glenn Beck loves using his chalkboard on his hit TV show on FOX News.  One thing you'll notice at the center of many of his artist renderings is a non-for-profit organization called The Tides Foundation.  Beck links Tides to ACORN, George Soros, Media Matters for America, Center for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Center for American Progress to name a few.  So what's behind the Tide's Foundation and how radical are they?

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The Obama, ACORN, and Housing Crisis Connection

Are they smears if its true?During the presidential campaign, Obama's "Fight the Smears" website vehemently denied any connection to the community agitating group ACORN.  This is an outright lie, something we're used to getting from this administration.  The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported today that Obama's ACORN roots goes back almost 20 years. Who should American's believe - the WSJ, probably the most neutral of the press, or is Obama really not connected to ACORN?

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I Just Dealt Myself the 'CARD'

Image source: unknown.I have had it in the deck for years and never even thought about it.  The CARD.  The race card.  I see others mistakenly, yet effectively, using it all of the time.  After listening to the Rev. Al Sharpton's arguments the other night, I realized that neither logic nor intelligence nor even accuracy is a requirement for playing the CARD.

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