The Race Baiters Are Back At It

Image source not known.One thing that's increasingly apparent is how the left is obsessed with race.  They talk about it everyday and use it commonly as a weapon to ridicule republicans, conservatives and anyone that disagrees with them.  But in reality, the left is full of race baiters that use it to push their agenda when they know they've lost the argument.

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Jimmy Carter & Maxine Waters Claim 'Racism' is at Work

The detestable Maxine WatersRacism is back in America!  And it came in the form of a racist Congresswomen Maxine Waters and former President Jimmy Carter, arguably the worst President in history.  It's already hard enough keeping up with all of the ACORN news stories that are going around and being ignored by the mainstream media that we now hear these two detestable humans calling anybody who's against the socialization and expansion of our government a racist.

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The ACORN Situation Keeps Getting Better

Image taken from Iowntheworld.comACORN has been caught with their pants down and every little piece of information that continues to roll out is completely hilarious.  ACORN has claimed this was a manufactured attack by FOX News and conservatives and has issued a lawsuit against FOX, and the filmmakers. As most of the liberal media ignores the topic, the Senate has voted to defund the corrupt organization, passing by a 83-7 vote.

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