Rep. Joe Wilson and the Hypocritical Left

Last week during Obama's speech to Congress, Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted the now famous line "You Lie!" when the president said the healthcare bill won't cover illegal immigrants.  He has since apologized and it's been accepted by the president.  So why won't the left leave the situation alone?  And are they being hypocrites?

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The Hitler Youth of Modern Age

The Obama YouthOrganizing for America, formally Organizing for Obama, is President Obama's political arm that he uses to help push his cause and ideology.  Enter the Hitler Youth of modern age.  With the snap of his fingers, Obama has millions of minions at his beck and call.  And we've seen what these minions can do.  They are a force that needs to be questioned.

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Tonight's Matchup: The Fairness Doctrine and Football?

The Fairness Doctrine is designed to do one thing:  silence the opposition.  You know who else silenced the opposition?  Hitler.  Talk radio has nothing to do with diversity of the airwaves.  But it does has everything to do with capitalism.  Conservative talk radio is successful because it's popular.  Liberal talk radio is a failure because nobody listens to it because it's about as cool as a rash.

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