ObamaCare - Not Worried? You Should Be.

Image source not known.ObamaCare is being rammed down our throats harder than any act performed by Ron Jeremy.  But why?  Why has Obama put a ridiculous deadline on passing healthcare reform?  Research shows that the most unpopular bills are voted on shortly after a new President or Congress has been elected.  Duh!  This is because they don't want to be connected to these when it's time for their election!  And politicians are for the people, not re-elections, right?!

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Come Fly the Friendly Skies of Healthcare with Me

This is what, if passed, healthcare reform will look like - image taken from Airplane! the hilarious movie.We're about to join the Mile-High Club on a prisoner transport plane, and unless you're Barney Frank, this shouldn't sound too appealing.  The rush to fix healthcare before it's even understood by the idiots claiming to have the answers is the equivalent of me starting and replacing the airline industry as it exists today.  So, grab your barf bag and read on to see if this sounds vaguely familiar.  You'll wish lost luggage was your biggest problem.

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Mr. President, You Acted Stupidly

Image source unknown.The main takeaway from the Professor Gates incident is that we need to LEAVE THE RACE CARD IN THE DECK.  Have you read the police report?  Because it sure does sound like Professor Gates, a Harvard professor of African American studies, acted like an arrogant racist himself who wanted to make headlines in the media by crying white on black racism.  I'd like to hear what the professor of Caucasian American studies at Harvard has to say about this?

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