White House Press Corps Dinosaur Helen Thomas to Retire

We knew there wouldn't be a happy ending to this story, where veteran White House Press Corps reporter Helen Thomas said that Jews should "Get the hell out of Palestine." The 89-year old fossil announced her retirement this morning after a video surfaced last Friday where she made anti-Semitic and anti-Israel comments.  Her retirement is effective immediately, avoiding the obvious confrontation that would have occurred had she attended today's press conference.

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As Congress Grills Tony Hayward, Jobs More Important to Americans, Says Gallup

A newly released Gallup poll shows that the economy and jobs are still the most important to Americans.  With the the combination of jobs and the economy garnering 49% of what's most important, it's far more than the 18% that feel disaster recovery of BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is most important.  What's not helping the situation is President Obama's job-killing agenda.  Even as he suspends offshore oil drilling for six months in the name of the environment, thousands of jobs will be lost.

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Clinton Reveals Obama's Plan to Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law

It looks like the White House received their Hooked on Phonics and Reading Rainbow care packages and it's safe to assume they've read Arizona's immigration bill.  It's now confirmed that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department plan to sue Arizona over its non-controversial immigration law.  A recent interview surfaced that was filmed on June 8th showing Secretary of Stare Hillary Clinton on Ecuadorian television saying that Chairman Obama was planning to file a lawsuit against Arizona.  What's unfortunate, beyond the lawsuit itself, is that the Clinton video was how Arizona Governor Jan Brewer found out about the lawsuit.

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