Border Security Held Hostage by Obama, Says Senator Kyl

The number two Senate Republican gave the clearest answer over the weekend at a Tea Party town hall as to why the Obama administration isn't working hard to protect our borders.   Jon Kyl (R - AZ) said that Obama and the Democrats are concerned that if border security is addressed, then the GOP may not support comprehensive immigration reform.  Again, the Democrats are putting politics before the safety of our country.  Kyl simply said what many had thought all along, but hearing it from a top Senator adds validity.

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General Stanley McChrystal Disses Biden and Others in Rolling Stone Interview

The Washington Post was able to secure an advanced copy of Michael Hasting's story in Rolling Stone magazine, which is due out this Friday.  Titled The Runaway General, Hasting's interviewed the top Afghanistan military official, General Stanley McChrystal.  The interview has stirred up controversy, which has forced McChrystal to fly to D.C. to meet with the undocumented President Obama and other top officials, rather than attending the meeting via secure video conference.  There has been talk of resignation or firing McChrystal, but neither will help our troops that are facing a tough battle in Afghanistan.

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Ouch: Another Judge Rejects Obama's Offshore Drilling Moratorium

Yesterday in New Orleans, for the second time in less than a month, a federal of appeals court rejected the undocumented President Obama's offshore drilling moratorium.  The Department of Justice (DOJ) appealed last month's decision by Judge Michael Feldman that also rejected the moratorium, but are also looking for other ways to remain above the law and do whatever they want, despite what the court's say.   Interior Secretary and menace Ken Salazar said he plans to release a second, more refined moratorium, which will still cost thousands of U.S. jobs because of the uncertainty that oil drilling companies face.

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