Obamacare Subsidies Challenged in Court

At the core of Obamacare is the individual mandate, forcing citizens to have health insurance or pay a government tax.  More importantly for Obamacare, though, are the trillions of dollars in tax subsidies used to fund the botched law.  As it turns out, these subsidies aren't very legal with how they were created and the IRS is the main culprit.  It has to do with the state exchanges and the federal exchange, where the IRS does not have the authority to restrict subsidies, based on the language in the bill

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GOP Plans Lawsuit Over Obamacare Employer Mandate Enforcement

The imperial president may actually get called out for his actions enforcing Obamacare.  Or rather, not enforcing the law and changing whatever he likes whenever he likes, showing Obama's complete disregard for the law.  House Republicans plan to sue the Obama regime over his disregard for Obamacare, which he willy nilly changes as he see fit, something very totalitarian.  While the GOP opposes Obamacare, the threat of a president doing whatever they'd like needs to be stopped.

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Supreme Court Rules Against Obamacare in Hobby Lobby Case

Obamacare was dealt a very mild setback last week when the Supreme Court narrowly ruled against the law, siding with Hobby Lobby that they could opt-out of providing four types of birth control.  This set liberal freak shows off, including actor Seth Rogan, who called the five SCOTUS members "assholes."  What has been mostly ignored is that Hobby Lobby is still covering 16 types of birth control - they only wanted an exemption from four.  The bigger issue, though, is that liberals are pushing their phony "war on women" narrative, which couldn't be farther from the truth.

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