Obama Phone Sheds Light on Morons and Zero Liability Voters

The excitement surrounding Apple's new iPhone 5 seems to have subsided to make room for a groundbreaking piece of technology: the Obama Phone.  The viral video of what sounds like a man but appears to be a disgusting woman that's drank Obama's bath water brings attention to zero liability voters in America and the expanding dependent class that has exploded under our empty suit of a president.  What we've seen is how the Democratic Party stays in power and continues to receive votes.

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Obamacare Chief Sebelius: Breaking Hatch Act Was Minor and Technical

Fresh off her law breaking violation of the Hatch Act, Health and Human Services crackpot Kathleen Sebelius is hitting the trail to campaign for her empty suit boss, Barack Hussein Obama.  The pro-abortion, not pro-choice freak show is being defiant and bold after getting busted for breaking the law: the degenerate has stated that since her breaking of the law was corrected, it shouldn't be considered as breaking the law.  This is type of cronyism instilled in the most radical White House in history.

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Banks Charging for Checking Accounts Due to Dodd-Frank Regulations

The Dodd-Frank Financial Reform bill that was rammed into law in 2010 is beyond destructive to the financial industry.  Billed as a law that would entail consumer protections, it actually gives the government unprecedented control over the banking system, with over 420 new rules and regulations, most of which haven't even been implemented because they're so massive.  Thanks to these regulations, free checking accounts are now considered a luxury.

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