Obamacare: $1 Trillion Spent and 30 Million Still Uninsured

Only President Obama, top Democrats and liberal special interest groups know the full impact of Obamacare.  Disguised as health care reform that would provide coverage for every American, reality is a stark difference that's fundamentally transforming how individuals interact with their doctors.  The costs of Obamacare are astronomical and unknown, as budget gimmicks were used to paint a false narrative.  After spending $1 trillion on Obamacare, there are still 30 million uninsured Americans.

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AARP Raking in Billions of Dollars from Obamacare

The AARP was a leading supporter of President Obama and his Democrat ilk in Congress ramming Obamacare into law.  They coordinated with top officials at the White House behind closed doors and ran ads showing their support of the law that actually hurts their own members.  When the analysis is over, it's clear why the liberal radicals at the AARP supported the government takeover of the health care system: they're going to rake in billions of dollars.

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Hardee's CEO: Obamacare Increasing Costs 150 Percent

Hardee's is one of those evil fast food chains that Michelle Obama would undoubtedly want to shut down.  Their CEO, Andy Puzder, controls a handful of chains under CKE restaurants, including Carl's Jr.  Speaking with Newsmax magazine, the Hardee's CEO asked Mercer, the nations largest health care consulting firm, to analyze the impact of Obamacare on the privately held company that employs 70,000 people.  The result was astounding: Obamacare is going to increase costs by 150 percent.

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