Pre-Obama Gas Prices Draws Huge Line at Michigan Station

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) was behind a brilliant political campaign on Monday in Michigan.  With the national average for gallon of gas being around $4.00, Americans are struggling even more to get by.  AFP rolled back the price for gallon of gas to $1.84 at one Michigan gas station, which was the national average when Barack Obama took office. This move, although very localized, is important to show Americans the impact a staple such as gas has on the individual and their pocketbook.

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Government Employees, Academia Among Top Obama Contributors

President Obama is getting re-election support from familiar groups as he strives for a $1 billion campaign fund. reports that U.S. government employees are among the biggest donors to his campaign, as Obama has exploded the size of government, along with employee's salaries under his tenure.  Additionally, members of academia are another top donor group, showing how elitist university professors that teach in theory and not reality enjoy having a Marxist in charge.

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Obamacare Now Fining Hospitals for Readmitted Medicare Patients

One of the biggest issues with Obamacare, outside of the obvious issue that the government is taking over the health care industry and fining individuals that don't have coverage, is how the law gets implemented and funded.  The law is so massive that the government has missed most of their own deadlines for implementing massive portions of the law - it's in absolute chaos.  What started yesterday is another provision of the law that fines hospitals for Medicare patients that get readmitted.  And it only goes downhill.

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