Obamacare State Exchanges Delayed Until 2015

Obamacare has less than one year to go before the law becomes fully implemented - and it's an absolute mess.  The self-imposed deadlines enforced by the Obama regime cannot even be met because the law "fundamentally transforms" 20% of the American economy, making the Obamacare bureaucracy an absolutely massive undertaking, dealing with trillions of dollars in new taxes and fines.  The Obamacare state insurance exchanges are now being pushed back one year because they won't be completed on time.

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45,000 Primary Care Physician Shortage by 2020 Due to Obamacare

Adding 30 million Americans to the health care system will put a significant strain on the industry that makes up 20% of the economy.  But that's not even where the problems are: doctor shortages are becoming a reality thanks to Obamacare and how the entire health care system gets "fundamentally transformed."  The solution many liberals would like to mandate is flexibility in defining, or redefining, a primary care physician so that they can create a shortcut to achieve their desired outcome.

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Thousands of Obamacare Navigators to be Hired

Keeping in line with Obamacare's massive expansion of the government, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid plans to add tens of thousands of new government employees. Labeled as Obamacare "navigators," these malcontents will provide information on the government's takeover of the health care industry, costing taxpayers millions of dollars.  Obamacare is so massive that the White House cannot even explain the law or how it impacts every American.

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