Federal Reserve: Obamacare the Cause for High Unemployment

When Democrats rammed Obamacare into law without the slightest clue what was in the bill, all they cared about was their perverse ideology and giving the government control over the individual.  As we near the third anniversary of the law, startling details, facts and reality have finally showed their ugly face.  We knew Obamacare would kill the economy.  The Federal Reserve recently released their latest "beige book," citing Obamacare as the primary reason employers have laid off workers and are reluctant to hire more.

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Obamacare Includes Over $1 Trillion in New Taxes

Obamacare's chief enforcer is the IRS.  While most Americans are oblivious to this fact, it's a reality that has serious ramifications for the country.  This is why the IRS is rapidly expanding: they need Obamacare minions out in the wild enforcing the law.  A new report shows that, while Obamacare was pushed as being tax neutral, the law includes over $1 trillion in new taxes that will hit the "middle class" the hardest, as companies pass on new costs to consumers.

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Obamacare Application: A Ridiculous Process

The Associated Press got their hands on a draft of the government's Obamacare application and like the law, it's not pretty - it's a fucking nightmare.  With the IRS at the core of enforcing Obamacare, very personal information is now required to be shared with the government.  It will undoubtedly take an education - which Obama will promise to pay for - to complete the form, considering the online version includes 21 steps for the uninsured minority in America.  And if they encounter problems, they can dial "O" from their Obama phone.

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