Georgia Power Coal Company Forced to Shut Down Due to EPA Regulations

Got coal?  Companies that answer yes are as big of a target as any non-Obama drone is by this White House.  The radical EPA and their former slob administrator Lisa Jackson are hell-bent on controlling energy in America, claiming that the environment is their number one concern.  The reality is quite different, as the radical EPA regulations significantly drive up energy costs for consumers, something the government is desperately wanting to control more.  The latest victim is Georgia Power, which the EPA has forced to shut down due to radical regulations.

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After Obamacare, Health Care Rates Still Rising

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," was the lie most spewed by Dr. Barack Hussein Obama, as he and his liberal ilk rammed Obamacare into law.  The results are far from complete, but the trend is being set, indicating what can be expected when Obamacare goes into law full force.  Health care providers are raising their rates around the country, something they now have to ask the federal government for permission for.  This, of course, was an issue that would supposedly stop under Obamacare - it won't.

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Obamacare's IPAB Medicare Cost Control Board Under Spotlight

IPAB - the Independent Payment Advisory Board - is an under known, but critical part of Obamacare.  It was briefly mentioned during the campaign, but we all know how that ended.  The board, with members selected by Dr. Barack Hussein Obama, are tasked with enforcing a limit on Medicare spending growth.  To enforce a limit, there has to be cuts in Medicare services, which led to the correct narrative that IPAB is nothing more than a death panel.  With implementation a short ways away, IPAB is now becoming part of the Obamacare conversation.

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