Looking Forward at a Divided America: A Path to Liberty & Freedom

The other day I received an email from a friend.  I typically browse through the hundreds of forwarded emails the same way Congress and the White House read the health care and financial regulation bills, but this particular email had a note asking me to post it on this website, and also that I owed him for last month's rent.  The summation is that America is at a serious divide and our government is to thank for that.  While liberals always preach that conservatives are intolerant, it's the liberal's self-proclaimed tolerance, which is actually intolerance, that is pushing America down a road to destruction.  And the Left doesn't seem to have a problem with taking every last bit of freedom and liberty that we have and handing it over to a massive, centralized, authoritarian government.

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Financial Reform Passes Senate; Unions, Activist Groups Receive Another Obama Pay Back

Dodd and Frank plotting for the next financial crisis.By a vote of 60 -39, the Senate today passed the Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation Bill, which is ironic because both Dodd and Frank played one of the most significant roles in the economic meltdown of 2008.  Joining the Democrats in passing the bill were three moronic Republicans:  Scott Brown, Susan Collins, and Olympia Snowe.  Other than not regulating mortgage lenders, such as Fannie Fae and Freddie Mac, two companies at the crux of the crisis and both have significant ties to Dodd, and sexually to Frank, the bill does little to prevent a financial disaster in the future.

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NAACP Votes to Condemn Non-Existent Tea Party Racism

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has sunk to a new low for an organization that has nothing to do with Civil Rights anymore.  The NAACP doesn't do what's best for the African American community, but rather, they attack and condemn non-existent racism to strum up their base, while ignoring the real threats of violent racism , such as in the form of the New Black Panther Movement.  At their annual convention today, the NAACP passed a resolution condemning "racist elements" that they claim are the foundation of the Tea Party.

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