The Racist Department of Justice Under Obama

The anti-Semitic, anti-white New Black Panther PartyNovember 4, 2008 will forever be remembered in history not only because an undocumented and unknown radical liberal was elected to the office of the presidency, but also because one of the greatest freedoms that makes America America was blatantly violated. The right to protest is a basic right that Americans have, but so is the right to vote without fear of being threatened, which is what we see in third world dictatorships. And members of the anti-white and anti-Semitic New Black Panther Party violated this basic freedom and was given a pass by a racist Department of Justice (DOJ) under President Barack Hussein Obama.

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Obama Compares BP Oil Spill to 9/11; Expected to Push Cap & Trade Tonight

Showing the complete and utter incompetence of the Obama administration's handling of the BP oil spill, the undocumented president has compared it to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, where 3000 Americans were murdered by Islamic extremists.  With the mentality of never letting a good crisis go to waste, the White House is using the Gulf of Mexico oil spill as a platform to pass radical Cap and Trade legislation, which will suffocate the American economy.  The oil spill has derailed Obama's legislation plans, which is why he turning it into an opportunity for him.

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New Jersey, Meet Greece: Unions Protest Chris Christie's Spending Cuts

We first saw it in Greece during last month's riots.  Union workers were protesting cuts to their precious benefits that contributed to the country's downfall.  Yes, government union workers were more concerned about their pension and benefits than the entire country of Greece collapsing and possibly causing the Euro to collapse.  Greece, meet New Jersey, your twin from the West whose government union employees are more concerned about their salaries and benefits than the stability of their state.

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