Sustek and Romanoff: Obama's Definition of Transparency

Looks like corruption, smells like corruption...It's as clear as mud:  we have a rogue government.  They play by their rules, breaking and creating them to suit their needs.  Mark Levin explained it beautifully on his radio show - this isn't Chicago-style politics, it's a Soviet-style politburo.  Chairman Obama's administration has now been involved in two situations, that we know of, where he's offered federal jobs to primary candidates to try to lure them out of their races.  The self-proclaimed "most transparent administration" has always had funny smell to it - and it now smells worse than a baby diaper filled with Indian food.

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I Graduated From Carnegie Mellon & All Obama Gave Me Was Advice That Made Me Dumber

Speaking at Carnegie Mellon University to graduates and other academics, Chairman Obama displayed zero class and used the venue as an opportunity to attack his opponents.  The speech primarily covered the economy and touched BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in just four short lines.  But don't worry America, Obama has been on top of it since day one.  After blaming former President George W. Bush, he moved on to target Republicans, those hate mongers that are against his big government expansion.  And what would a speech* be without mentioning the success of the phony stimulus bill, but without calling it a stimulus bill?

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Humanitarian Effort Was an Islamic Attack on Israel

Enough details have emerged from the Israeli - Turkish flotilla incident that paint the situation as nothing more than an Islamic terrorist attack.  The media was quick to label Israel as the violent antagonist primarily because of Israel's slow public relations response, but we now know this to be false.  Videos released clearly show violent, pro-Palestinians, many of which are linked to terrorist organizations, prepared for a fight, which the liberal media has yet report.  This was a terrorist attack by anti-Israel Islamists and pro-Palestinians to destroy Israel's navel blockade.

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