Wanted: Supreme Court Justice with No Experience

Wow, she's a looker!The year was 2005 and President George W. Bush was looking to nominate his second Supreme Court Justice.  Her name was Harriet Miers.  A close friend of Bush, her nomination came as both Democrat and Republican Senators suggested that his next nominee be from outside the appellate court system.  What ensued was an utter disaster and embarrassment for Miers because he had no experience as a judge and was shaky during the Senate hearings.

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Unrest in Greece Leads to Protests as Socialism Fails

In 2002, Greece's government changed to a socialist platform and they've been in decline ever since.  The country has socialized the health care system, and nearly one-third of the citizens work for the government, not the private sector.  All of this has led to a country that's now in peril as it seeks billions of dollars in bailout funding they don't implode.  Socialism does not work and Greece is the latest modern disaster that proves high government employment, massive union benefits and a nationalized health care system will lead to a severe depression and even worst.

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Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill is Result of Obama's Inability to Lead

Eight days.  It took eight days for the undocumented President Obama to respond to the explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  What took him so long to respond?  He was too busy campaigning against Wall St. and trying to push through financial regulation.  Our campaigner in chief proved he is not only completely incompetent, but has no idea how to lead our nation or respond to a national disaster.  His lack of experience has put America in a dangerous position, and now we're up against an oil spill that is out of control because of his delayed response.

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